Source code for gazelib.validation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Format validation.

import numbers
import six  # Python version invariant string types.

[docs]class ValidationException(Exception): pass
[docs]def has_only_keys(dict, keys): ''' Return true if obj has all and only the given keys. ''' dk = dict.keys() if len(dk) != len(keys): return False return all(map(lambda k: k in keys, dk))
[docs]def has_keys(dict, keys): ''' Parameter dict, dict to examine keys, a list of strings Return true, if all given keys are found from the dict. false, otherwise ''' dk = dict.keys() return all(map(lambda k: k in dk, keys))
[docs]def is_string(s): '''Return true if s is string or similar.''' return isinstance(s, six.string_types)
[docs]def is_list_of_strings(l): return (type(l) is list and all(map(lambda x: type(x) is str, l)))
[docs]def is_real(r): '''Return true if r is real number''' return isinstance(r, numbers.Real)
[docs]def is_integer(n): '''See also''' return isinstance(n, numbers.Integral)