Source code for gazelib.statistics.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Common statistical tools that do not depend on CommonV1.

[docs]def maximum(l): '''Maximum of a list. Allows None values. Return None if no valid value.''' m = None for item in l: if item is not None: if m is not None: if item > m: m = item else: m = item return m
[docs]def minimum(l): '''Minimum of a list. Allows None values. Return None if no valid value.''' m = None for item in l: if item is not None: if m is not None: if item < m: m = item else: m = item return m
[docs]def arithmetic_mean(l): '''Return arithmetic mean of list. Return None if empty list. Allows None values and does not take them into consideration.''' # Based loosely on summ = 0.0 count = 0 for item in l: if item is not None: summ += item count += 1 return summ / count if count > 0 else None
[docs]def weighted_arithmetic_mean(l, w): ''' Parameters: l: a list of numerical values. Nones are allowed. w: a list of numerical weights. Nones are regarded as zeros. Return float. None if no non-none weights or values were given. ''' suml = 0.0 sumw = 0.0 for item, weight in zip(l, w): if item is not None: if weight is not None: suml += item * weight sumw += weight return suml / sumw if sumw > 0.0 else None
[docs]def deltas(l): ''' Return list of differences between consecutive list items. The length of the returned list is one smaller than the given list. For an increasing sequence, the deltas are positive. For a decreasing sequence, the deltas are negative. ''' if len(l) == 0 or len(l) == 1: return [] diffs = [] for i in range(len(l) - 1): diffs.append(l[i + 1] - l[i]) return diffs