gazelib.statistics package


gazelib.statistics.utils module

Common statistical tools that do not depend on CommonV1.


Return arithmetic mean of list. Return None if empty list. Allows None values and does not take them into consideration.


Return list of differences between consecutive list items. The length of the returned list is one smaller than the given list. For an increasing sequence, the deltas are positive. For a decreasing sequence, the deltas are negative.


Maximum of a list. Allows None values. Return None if no valid value.


Minimum of a list. Allows None values. Return None if no valid value.

gazelib.statistics.utils.weighted_arithmetic_mean(l, w)[source]
l: a list of numerical values. Nones are allowed. w: a list of numerical weights. Nones are regarded as zeros.
float. None if no non-none weights or values were given.

Module contents

Statistical tools and methods.